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5 Confused Questions Parents Have About Life Insurance


Parenthood is a difficult but rewarding journey for almost anyone who embarks on an adventure. And the journey can be even more difficult if you're a single parent. This is especially true when it comes to financial decisions. 

 Single parents often have unusual questions about life insurance. Let's take a look at some of the most common questions counselors ask single parents.


 1. Why do single parents need life insurance? 


 Although all families benefit from life insurance, single parents should definitely consider life insurance as part of their financial strategy. 

 It may seem obvious, but it is very important for single parents to accept the absence of a custodial parent. Unlike a two-parent household, when a single parent dies, there may not be a clear choice about who should pay the bills or take care of the children.Life insurance can provide a financial safety net that otherwise might not be there to answer some tough questions.

 Despite the importance of life insurance, single parents are less likely to have life insurance. One study found that 69% of single parents with children living at home did not have life insurance. This contrasts with 45% of two-parent households that have no active life insurance. If you're a single parent, it's time to create a plan to ensure your family is adequately protected.


 2. What does life insurance cover? 


 life insurance can help cover the expenses of your children and loved ones after you die. These expenses may include housing (rent or mortgage), debt, current and future educational needs, end-of-life expenses, child care expenses, child care expenses, etc. those that help them get on with their lives and are usually tax-free.If you want to know more, read this article to learn more about what life insurance can cover. 



 3. How much life insurance should a single parent take out? 


 Considering your lifestyle, your responsibilities, and the future care and education of your children is the first step in determining how much life insurance you need as a single parent. In addition to the things we discussed in the previous question about what life insurance can cover, add your family's unique financial or personal needs.

 To help you better determine your needs, we recommend using a life insurance calculator like this one. By answering a few guiding questions, you can get a rough idea of ​​how much money you'll need to support your family if you're successful. 

 Finally, you should speak to a life insurance agent who can help you find the best policy and price for your needs.

4. How do I select a beneficiary for single parent life insurance? 


 End of life and emergency planning is a must for all single parents. It's important that your friends and family know what happens to your family members when you die. Even if the conversation isn't fun, you need to add life insurance to the end-of-life plan discussion.

 Generally, a parent designates the spouse or other parent of the child/children as the beneficiary (recipient of a death benefit). However, if there are no other parents in the picture, if you pass, you must first decide who will take care of your children. 

 Second, is this the same person you trust to receive money to take care of your family members? It doesn't have to be the same people. If you wish to entrust the management of your family wealth to a person of trust or a professional, this person can be separated from the primary guardian.You need to think about how you would like your children to be financially supported without you. We encourage you to talk to your family and trusted financial or estate planners to finalize your plan. 

 Whatever you do, don't name your child as a beneficiary: The law prohibits anyone from buying life insurance unless they're of legal age (which is 18 or 21 depending on the state can be). More information on designating beneficiaries can be found here.

5. What life insurance should a single parent have? 


 The world of life insurance is big and diverse these days, but here are some standard options to help you find the best policy for you as a single parent. 


 Term Life Insurance 


 When funds are limited or cash flow is limited, as is often the case with a single parent, term life insurance is a good option. Term life insurance offers beneficiaries a cash payment in the event of death during the policy period.In exchange for your death benefit, you pay a monthly premium to keep your policy active. With term life insurance, if you stop paying the premium, the policy expires and the benefit disappears. This is term life insurance for as long as you need it or can afford it. 

 A single parent can usually find a premium for a term policy within a budget they can afford. Also, remember that any insurance policy requires you to go through the underwriting process to obtain the policy and set the price.



 Permanent life insurance 


 Then there is permanent life insurance. This often results in a higher monthly premium for a death benefit, equivalent to that of a term life insurance policy of the same size. However, with a perpetual insurance policy, there is a cash value in addition to the death benefit. 

 The monetary value contained in the policy can be used or lent for a certain period of time. When you borrow money from a perpetual insurance policy, you're using the cash value as collateral, and the interest rate on the loan is usually relatively low.

 If the idea of ​​a more permanent policy sounds enticing but you're concerned about having the money to pay your premiums each month, universal life insurance may be more your style. 

 For a single parent with an income, flexibility is essential. With a Universal Life policy, you can adjust the amount of your policy payments as needed. When considering an all-in-one policy, it's a good idea to work with your insurance agent to ensure you create the policy that best suits your needs and situation. 



 Single parents have a tough job, but life insurance for your kids can ease the stress.If you haven't already, contact a trusted insurance specialist who can help give you peace of mind.

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